Crispy Fried Chicken

Crispy Fried Chicken A La Max

Max’s Restaurant is known for its delicious family-style meals. One of their best-selling dishes is their Original Crispy Fried Chicken which is known for its golden, “sarap to the bones” fried chicken.

We always cook Max’s-Style Crispy Fried Chicken at home using a turbo broiler and now, I am going to share it with you.

Max's Chicken

1 whole Chicken
Dried Bay Leaves

Crispy Fried Chicken

1. Boil water in the steamer and add bay leaves and ginger.
2. Rub salt and pepper to the chicken and put in the steamer for about 30 minutes.
3. Remove the chicken in the steamer.
4. Transfer chicken to the turbo broiler and cook it for 1 hour.
5. Serve with Jufran ketchup to complete the experience or with toyo-mansi. Enjoy!

Crispy Fried Chicken

Cooking Tips:
1. You can deep-fry the chicken instead of using a turbo broiler.
2. We just added ginger to get rid of the chicken’s strong poultry smell.

Check out more recipes here.

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