Kaya Toast At Home

Make Your Own Kaya Toast At Home

Kaya Toast is a popular snack or breakfast in Malaysia and Singapore. There’s a lot of ways on how to prepare it but it is usually made with kaya spread, bread, eggs, and butter or margarine. Some also add pandan, coconut milk, and sugar.

One of the food that I miss in Malaysia is their Kaya Toast. Perfectly toasted bread and boiled eggs which took me a couple of tries before I perfected my own version.

Kaya Toast at Home

I know there are now restaurants here in the Philippines who offer the same quality and taste but it’s just different if you actually have it in Malaysia and even better if you can do your own Kaya Toast at home.

So, instead of going to the popular souvenir shops in Malaysia, we’ve decided to buy our pasalubong in a supermarket and searched for a Kaya Spread. We did not know any good brands and just picked any brand we found in the supermarket (there were only 2 choices though). There is also a Kaya Spread with Pandan but were not lucky enough to have spotted one.

Kaya Toast At Home

What to Prepare?
Bread, butter or margarine, Kaya Spread, eggs. salt, pepper, and soy sauce.

1. Boil water.
2. Put the boiled water in a stainless steel cup/container with cover and leave the eggs for 10 minutes.
3. Spread butter and kaya spread on one side. Top with another piece of bread.
4. Put in the oven and toast for a couple of minutes depending on your preference.
5. Slice the bread into half, lengthwise.
6. Serve with boiled eggs, soy sauce, and pepper.

Kaya Toast

Putting the eggs on a covered stainless steel container is a technique I learned in one of the restaurants we have dine-in in Malaysia. It cooks the eggs perfectly! I also tried cooking the eggs in boiling water and I can’t find the right timing on when to remove the eggs.

For the Kaya Spread, you can also find it in the supermarkets here in the Philippines.

Enjoy your Kaya Toast at home with some hot coffee or Old Town White Milk Tea!

You may also check other easy recipes people are making while on quarantine.

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